Subpersonality Work first increases your awareness that there are multiple parts at work in all of us. The part that wants to lose weight and the part that wants to eat the cake is something many of us are familiar with! The parent who believes in treating their children with respect and suffers guilt and remorse when they lose their temper might be another common experience. We tend to be frustrated with ourselves at sabotaging our goal, or at violating our own values system and yet the behavior continues. Despite our belief that one part is superior to the other, that the other part persists, is because it holds intelligence vital to our well-being. Subpersonality work heals the relationship between the two parts, so you can succeed at your goals, informed by making more of a place for yourself and your authentic level of need, because of the intelligence you now honor from the other part being integrated. You feel Whole, and can move forward in a more Whole way.