The Women’s Movement As The Door To Engineering A Thriving, Compassionate, Just, World
Yes, the women are watching the message of the senate judiciary committee, and soon of the full senate; and so are the Men. The sexual abuse of women is epidemic in America. One in four girls are sexually abused (under 18y/o – Dr. Ford is one of those girls), and so are one in six boys. The atrocity reaches beyond your profile of the vulnerable: one out of six woman soldiers in the Iraq and Afghani wars were raped by their fellow servicemen, and so were one in six military men. Yes this is a women’s issue to be addressed, but it is not exclusively a women’s issue, it is also a boy and man issue. When we solve the issue of violence against women and girls we will have solved the issue of violence against men and boys.
What is sadistic/bully-rape mentality? It is the willingness to use my power as a force to overcome your Will, overcome your objections or fight, to my having my way with you. It is using power-over to violence you, inflict harm on you.
Playing out in the theatre of the confirmation hearings we witness Brett Kavanaugh, who according to Dr. Blasey-Ford, forced himself sexually on her, holding his hand over her mouth to silence her screams, with one man watching and participating in the past, now with us as witness, again using his power to silence her, this time with 11 men watching and participating. The 11 white republican men on the senate judiciary committee are proudly parading their rape-bully mentality. They have used their power, to illegitimately withhold information about Kavanaugh’s sadistic record from the process and from the American people, to structure only 5 minutes of questioning from the senators interested in the Truth, and knowing that Dr. Ford has received death threats they’ve made sure to increase the threat to her life by having illegitimately refused to involve the FBI.
Well of course we have a rape culture, these senators embody the mind-think, and are the architects of misogynistic, and sadistic, legislation. They are in this hearing looking to further institutionalize rape-bully mentality, confirming Kavanaugh as their hope to reverse women’s rights, restrict individual freedom, and to make it impossible to hold them or Trump accountable for crimes.
Many of us are waking up from the brainwashing that anything is ‘political’, and therefor the politicians’ job to handle’ – that has rendered us impotent second-class citizens in our own governance. ‘Political’ is an illusion: nothing is a ‘political’ issue, all things are human issues.
The awakening is evidenced in the hundreds of thousands of organizations of ordinary people standing up to take charge of the policy-making that affects our lives and our families. (anti-poverty/broad), Mom’s Demand Action (gun laws,) Carry The Future (refugees,) Mothers Out Front (climate,) Moms Across America (anti-unsafe gmos), are a few examples of women stepping up to define these as human issues, family issues, our business, not someone else’s job.
If the women’s movement is to succeed in bringing in a new paradigm – where violence is no longer acceptable, I believe this is our moment. This hearing that is happening now, for all the world to seeates the opportunity for a tipping point, the tipping point most of us are despairing for as we watch..
The solution is not sourced in the ‘political’ domain, for the problem is not a ‘political’ one, it is a spiritual one, a human one. What we see are people who are processing in a dysfunctional way, each having abandoned his sense of himself as a unique human being, with a heart and soul to process through, and is now defining himself fundamentally as a ‘party’, i.e. I source my decisions from groupmind, not from my own integrity. They are operating not from seeking the Truth, but from the ‘concept’ of White Male Supremacy, engineering a world that profits and is ruled by the few, who define themselves as Superior and others as Inferior, and who are on mission to keep the masses so overwhelmed with survival needs, and so without recourse, that their power will continue unchecked.. When their concept has problems, such as with climate change, they lie, ignore science, at tje ex[emse of lives and destruction, rather than give up their concept. No learning happens. They simply blame and scapegoat. This dysfunctional way of processing is known as the ‘Addictive Process’, and has been well-studied. They believe because they are afflicted with this diseased way of functioning that everyone who is a democrat is, and frame this as democrats vs republicans, but this is not what we are seeing. We are seeing people who are ruled by the Addictive process and people who are feeling through the heart. Each of us moment to moment can be processing addictively rather than from moment to moment processing from the heart/mind/body, i.e. from ‘concept rather than attunement, using power-over instead of ‘in-relationship-with’, relying on blame/scapegoating rather than learning.
For the women’s movement, and especially through the door of the #MeToo movement to succeed in bringing in a paradigm change, we must be aware of, and eradicate our own addictive processing. To be a stand for the Reverence for Life, we first have to acknowledge our complicity in the mindthink of violence, in condoning and supporting the exponential violence of War. Horrific numbers of women, girls, boys, men, are literally raped in war, and the entire mindthink that because I have greater weapons I can murder and maim you to get my way with you, defines sadism/rape mentality.
This is not a new thought.
Perhaps you know that the Mother’s Day proclamation was written by Julia Ward Howe and her movement of women pacifists saying they would no longer condone sending their children to kill the children of other mothers as a way of resolving conflict. Those women risked their lives, and our society has sold it to us as a Hallmark holiday, and we still refuse to create a department of Peace, insist we put all our resources into a dept of War.
This is our moment. We are the ones we have been waiting for. Lobby your legislators as loud and insistently as you can. Join an organization devoted to Good. Vote for the people who are rising as people – as moms, teachers, firefighters, veterans, etc to take charge of our too diseased legislature, and return the purpose of legislation to making a thriving, compassionate, and just world. Yes right now they are rising through the democratic party, but they are not rising as ‘democrats’ but as individuals, and they are rising with an awareness of the soul-corruption of giving up your integrity to identify as a ‘party.
Sandra Eagle, LCSW has over 40 years study and practice as a psychotherapist in the principles and techniques of thriving, and is also a lobbyist with an anti-poverty organization. Ms. Eagle runs short-term groups for the Women and Men seeking to have a breakthrough in personal well-being, and in relevancy to what’s going on in our time. .
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